General News

1916 Medals Ready for Issuing to Retained Firefighters

In 2016, front-line emergency services were awarded a commemorative medal marking the 1916 centenary. Everyone, that is, except the Retained Firefighters of Ireland, who were ‘overlooked’, and never received recognition alongside their fellow front-line colleagues.

From that date, the National Retained Firefighters Association have been looking to right this wrong. After many communications and a meeting of the NRFA executive in Leinster House, we are delighted to announce that the 1916/2016 commemorative medals will be distributed to the local authorities in the coming week.

This is the call answered that came from the floor in 2017, and although it has taken the NRFA some time, we never gave up and have continued to communicate with the department after guarantees were given to the NRFA in relation to the non-awarding of the medals by Minister Damien English and Sean Hogan. We are grateful to the Minister for his interventions.

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